Ferdy Pullens
portfolio of Ferdy Pullens

ARCO design furniture

ARCO design furniture

As designer @ Fabrique Amsterdam - arco.nl

Arco is making design furniture in a family business for over a hundred years. Everything they make has a strong feel for aesthetics, quality and functionality. Arco's products are made to be used, and to play a substantial role in peoples lives. Through the years tables came to be the center of what Arco does. And so the concept 'Table manners' was born: tables at the center of peoples lives.

This resulted in beautiful photography made by Maurice Heesen, showing how the same table can play a different role in different lives. The website I designed supports that idea by having hotspots on the photographs that allow the user to explore different Arco products in different settings, the site itself changes it's setting by having different colours and moods.

The focus of the website really is on the products and the designers that created them. When you buy a piece of Arco furniture, you're also buying a piece of personality from the designer. That's why you can meet the different designers Arco works with, and read their visions on creating unique furniture.


And because Arco furniture is sold all over the country, a few pages were made to support that. Finding a reseller of Arco's unique furniture is easy.

The project was rewarded with a Red Dot Best of the Best Award in 2013